jom solat hmmm

jom solat hmmm

Monday 31 October 2016

Be Ambitious and Work For It


Your Future

 Control and Instrumentation Specialist


Tuesday 20 September 2016

Final Year Student Life | Time Management

Today is the most tireless day for the 2nd week of the semester. With  a lots of project need to be taken care, i have to plan my time for everything. As we know, time is priceless and precious that so many of us have not utilize it in a good way. A good reminder is a must for us as a human, to make sure that we always be enthused in making sure we have done our responsibilities and make efforts on it. Felt in your heart, Allah always with you. You will never regret if you do anything in your life is for the sake of Allah. You will find your heart always at ease. May Allah bless. I do want to implement Allah's word (in Alquran) in my life. So today what i want to learn is surah Al-Asr. ayat 1 until 3.

Brief Explanation of Surah Al-Asr - Br. Nouman Ali Khan ᴴᴰ

Surah Al Asr ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder ┇ by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan ┇ The Daily Reminder ┇

Okay That's all. Hope we can apply this in our life.
Embrace every moment. =)
Jazakallahu khairan katheer.


Monday 3 June 2013

Happily Ever After: Go on and take your time.

Happily Ever After: Go on and take your time.: When you feel so down. Like you cannot get up. You feel so hurt. Your scars. Trust me. He always love you. He tested you because He loves...

Wednesday 1 August 2012

[Design] Taubat Pencerah Hati | discover the beauty of islam

[Design] Taubat Pencerah Hati | discover the beauty of islam

Muhasabah diri, cerahkan hati dgn taubat nasuha,tinggalkan dosa2 yg lalu,bykkan beribadat kepada Allah SWT
sntiase ingt hidup di dunia ini hanye sementara utk kite berussaha mengumpul pahala dan berusaha utk meraih keredhaanNYA..semoge kite trmasok dlm org2 yg bertakwa iani melaksanakn amar makruf nahi mungkar dgn stulus hati,kerane NYA..ingat juge hanyer kpdNYA kite menyembah dan meminte pertolongan,dah ALLAH adalah sebaik2 penolong SUBHANALLAH..belajar dr kesilapan,dn perbtulkan ape yg slah,mintak dijauhkan dr sifat dengki mendnegkiriak,ujub dn sbgnye yg bleh menjauhkan kite dariNYA,,ingat kie hanyelah manusia yg hina,jd kne ingat kite kne slalu minte dr ALLAH agar hidup ini diredhai,sesungguhnyer kite tidah sempurne,dan hanya ALLAH SWT shja yg maha sempurna,,

Friday 15 June 2012

AlAhAi TrEx =00

hmmmm,,trex2,,hrini ko ajak aq pegi swimming kn?? tp siyes aq mmg x bleyh pgi krne aq mmg x reti swimming,then bju aq sume dlm washing machine,so sory lah,,mmg xde persalinan pgim next week larh...kesian ko an..anywy bes sbnrnyer klu pgi sorg2 utk org yg dh pndi swim mcm ko nie,,bleh tngkn fikiran n bla2...lastly i want tosay that im so sorry...hahha

Saturday 9 June 2012

BuKaN mUdAh Nk Jd beK kN,tP lEtS tRY iT =P

Berkata Ibn Umar : "pada satu hari aku menemui Rasulullah SAW bersama dengan 9 orang sahabat yang lainnya. Lalu salah seorang dari golongan Ansar bertanya "Wahai Rasulullah siapakah orang yang paling pandai dan siapakah orang yang paling mulia?"
Baginda menjawab :" Mereka adalah orang yang paling banyak mengingat mati dan paling bersungguh-sungguh dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapinya. Mereka inilah orang2 yang paling pandai. Mereka pergi dengan membawa kemuliaan dunia dan kehormatan akhirat".